New Run Date!

The Black Bear Half Marathon has been rescheduled for November 10th!

I said I’d do it, and I’m going to do it. Lord willing, etc., etc. I am under-trained at the moment because the hurricane aftermath made running just a little bit difficult. First, I didn’t want to sweat too much without showers available. Then I didn’t want to try to go fast on roads covered in debris and gravel. And then I just had to admit, when those excuses were used up, that my heart was just breaking for the people who’ve lost so much. I didn’t feel like running. Besides, there were better uses in the community and at home for my energy.

And then I caught a cold or something, I think while mucking about in flood mud. I’m on about day 6 of that, and feeling like I might be all better tomorrow. The very minute I feel like I can do it without setting myself back, I’m going to get back on the road again. I’m a little bit panicky, because I have less than a month to be ready for the challenge. Fortunately, it hasn’t been that long since I ran–only a couple of weeks and change, though it feels like a lot longer–so hopefully I haven’t lost too much ground.

Pray for me and wish me luck, friends! I’m already daydreaming about crossing that finish line with some PRs to brag about!

My GoFundMe is still up if you want to help pay for the trip! I am funded, as explained here, but could still use the extra scratch for training and travel incidentals.

Black Bear Half Marathon Funded

Get ready, Hendersonville! I’m coming to run ya!

I’m tickled pink that 17 donors have made it possible for me to go to the Black Bear Half Marathon without dipping into the family funds. I felt a little bit delicate about asking, because it’s a want, not a need. But it’s something I want to do so badly that it is worth the hit to my pride.

I didn’t talk about it here when our septic system failed last year. We had a uniquely bad situation because of the age of our house and the steepness of our lot. It took nearly $30,000 when all was said and done. That’s not to mention the several months of having to dump used water outdoors, take very short showers, wash clothes at the laundromat, etc. Many of the costs were not in the repair itself, but in the things we had to do to adapt to the situation and clean up the lot afterwards.

Praise God, we managed to do it without debt and without losing our minds! But, as you can imagine, we’re still scrimping and saving to refill the hole that left in our emergency and other funds. That means we haven’t had much extra for unnecessaries like travel and athletics.

Your kind help means the world to me, friends! I will be praying for each of my donors by name during my run. If that sounds weird, you probably don’t run a lot. The mind goes all over the place. It’s part of why I run. I often use that peaceful time to talk to the Lord! I’m going to write their names down and pin them somewhere to my clothes so I don’t miss anybody. May the Lord richly reward their kindness!

If you’re feeling bummed that you didn’t get a chance to donate, there is still time. I’m going to leave this fundraiser open, because there is ALWAYS more I can do with it. I’m a sucker for technology and shoes, we’ll need to buy meals while we’re traveling, and GFM takes a fee off the top, so every little bit more helps keep my fun from burdening my family.

Thank you again, so much!

Your Kids Eat Carnivore, Too?

Why, thank you for asking!

Yes, they are eating in a way that is known as hypercarnivore. But they are not hyper carnivores. They’re very chill.

First, let’s define that new word. The Carnivore Diet, the way I’ve come to use the term, is not exactly what we’re talking about here. Most of my children lack the gut damage and medical conditions that forced me to remove all plants (some of which I miss very much) from my diet, so we have a more relaxed approach to their food. But they’re still living the Meat Life™, and doing very well on it!

From the Infogalactic entry for hypercarnivore:

“A hypercarnivore is an animal which has a diet that is more than 70% meat, with the balance consisting of non-animal foods such as fungi, fruits or other plant material. Some examples include felids, dolphins, eagles, snakes, marlin, most sharks, and the GAH children.”

I may have made up part of that definition.

My kids are more carnivore than even that, though. I guess about 90% of their food is meat, fish, dairy, and eggs right now. One of them is almost 100% carnivore due to IBS. A few of them don’t tolerate dairy. They all know their own unique quirks, and as long as they eat their meat, I’m flexible on the other stuff.

I posted a meal plan a few years ago when someone asked if I fed my kids a carnivore diet. I had not yet fully applied my new way of thinking about food, and the family were still eating a high-carb (by my current lights, anyway) diet most days, though I did consider it to be carnivorish. Even then, I think it met the strict criteria for hypercarnivore. It didn’t meet my current standards, but we were moving in the right direction.

These days, my children eat all of the meats, and a limited selection of fruits and vegetables. I allow fruit once a day, and a sweet potato every now and then, but other than that, high-carb foods are out. As much activity as these children get, the amount of sugar in what I do allow them is still very low. Seeds and nuts are allowed, but limited. Grains and beans are not in our pantry, but at church functions, or friends’ houses, we will make a few exceptions for the sake of being social. Gluten is verboten, no matter where we are. Likewise, seed oils.

Parents, you don’t have to feed your kids junk food and “kid food”. They don’t need to eat what everybody else eats to be happy. In fact, what nearly everybody else’s kids are eating is making them unhappy. I was just making lunch for my family after a busy school day, and it was 2:30 p.m. before I got it on the table. We do that almost every school day, because I have seven children to homeschool, and we don’t want to interrupt our school day with food. We’re concentrating–something that a whole lot of people are unable to do simply because of their food choices.

How many Standard American Dieters, even if they try to keep it clean, organic, and “healthy” can say that their children go until 2:30 or even 3:30 in the afternoon without begging for food and getting hangry? Because my children are on a low-carb diet, they have very steady blood glucose, and very steady moods. They have breakfast at 7:30, and they are finished eating until whenever the food can be ready. They are extremely flexible, and I never hear a word about how late the food is.

When I think back to how hungry my children–especially the smaller ones–used to be between meals, and how cranky they would get, I am appalled that I let it go on that way for so many years! I just didn’t realize it could be any other way. I’d have to give them a snack mid-morning just to hold them until lunchtime, usually at noon. Then they’d want another snack while dinner was cooking. Nowadays, nobody is ever hungry around here at noon!

I thought 3 big meals and 2 snacks a day was normal! While it is common, it is not normal. It is a highly disordered food culture that has children eating every two and half to three hours, right up to suppertime, and sometimes even another snack right before bed. We still have three meals, most days, but only two of them are big meals, and the third will be a quick, small one of cold cuts, leftovers, and berries. Sometimes dinner (it’s called supper, if you’re one of ourn) is our biggest meal, but I usually try to do the biggest feed in the middle of the day, so we’re not eating a lot near bedtime. This meal timing helps our sleep, in addition to giving us extra time in our day to work.

Do you want to have hypercarnivore kids, too? I really think you should! Healthy kids are happy kids. Many, many of our family’s behavioral and supposedly untreatable health and brain problems just vanished into thin air with a better way of eating. I don’t want to talk too much about my kids’ personal challenges, but even difficulties as intractable as autism and IBS can be mitigated greatly with a high fat, low-carb diet. If you’ve ever been unable to get your child to smile and make eye contact with you, you know what it would mean to have those things all of a sudden. This is precisely what happened with one of ours! Please try it and see for yourself, parents! It’s worth the time and effort.

I would dearly love to see more children healed in body, mind, and soul.

If you’re trying to move your children to a more appropriate diet than the standard fare, it is wise to change diets slowly to avoid upheavals, both digestive and emotional. Take half a year or a year, not a month, to wean off all the bad stuff. Start with the worst foods (usually grains and added sugars) today, and eliminate the lesser offenders later, one at a time, after your child is used to thinking differently about food. It worked beautifully for my family!

Don’t fret about the time lost. Just work your way out of the mainstream food habits a little bit at a time.

Let me know if you have questions. I love to answer them, free of charge. I also offer half-hour coaching sessions via Zoom where we can talk about ideas for making your lifestyle healthier. Email me if you’re interested! My address is cindy at getalonghome dot com. 








What I Eat in a Day

Some of my recent carnivore meals

“Just eat meat” sounds like such a simple concept, but people often ask what I eat in a day. Here are a few of my recent meals. Most days, I have two or three meals. Some days, just one big one. Meat Life™ is satisfying!

First, the simplest stuff. Ground beef, cold butter cubes, and cold beef tongue:

I usually have a can of cod liver and a can of sardines for my 4:00 p.m. meal, if I’m eating more than one meal that day. My eating window closes around 4 p.m. on those days. Me 7 years ago would have gagged at the thought, but it’s a very satisfying way to end the day:

A gigantic ribeye with some butter my youngest son shook up for me from cream:

These bigger meals are almost always OMADs (one meal a day). Burgers, fried eggs, and a LOT of bacon:

My birthday meal this year, filet mignon with bacon.

This next was a fun one. Leftover carnivore waffles as bread for a ham sandwich. Mustard, homemade avocado oil mayo, and pickles made this a little fancy for me. On a normal day, it would have just been waffles, butter, and meat, which makes a fine sandwich:

Chicken nuggets, make with pork rind panko, shrimp, and melted butter for a light lunch:

An all meat diet sounds a little draggy, but I assure you, there are ways to fun it up and still stay within the parameters of what works for you! What works for me won’t always work for others, and many may need to be less or (rarely) more strict than I am. Shoot me an email (cindy at getalonghome dot com) if you’re interested in finding a way to make keto or carnivore fit into your lifestyle and serve your unique needs!

A great, BIG thank you: My next run is now fully funded! I’m super excited to be training for the Black Bear Half Marathon! If you feel sad because you didn’t get a chance to contribute, there’s still time to do that! Just click the big yellow ‘donate’ button below. I can always use more funds for more training, gas, or food! And taxes, of course. You know they’re going to tax me on this.

Thank you so, so much, my friends!


It’s a Trap!

The Great Accuser is up to his games again.

Sometimes people share things on Facebook, and then I have a little rant in response, which few people see and even fewer care about. TL-DR, you know? But then I remember that I have a blog where I can put these things. Nobody much sees it or cares about it here, either, but it lives longer. Here’s a copy pasta from this morning’s rant, edited for blogworthiness:

Somebody on Facebook shared this quote today, and it is one I have ALWAYS HATED:

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, and walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

Now, how could anybody hate such humbling, well-stated, Christian-sounding words? Don’t they just inspire you to live better? It sounds good at first, doesn’t it? Why, it’s even at the beginning of one of my favorite DC Talk songs! But then you think about it for a minute.

I’m not living for Jesus so that people can see me and think I’m a Real Christian.

I’m not living for Jesus because there is a single thing I can do for Him.

I don’t live for Him to convince others of His Lordship, though I hope I do.

I’m living for Jesus because He’s the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

That’s it. That’s my whole reason for bowing the knee to Him. He is everything, and I owe Him everything.

I hate gaslighting. I have never been subject to it, and people who use that tactic to control others hate me. It just doesn’t work. The downside to that is that I’m often a little too sure of myself. But a lot of other people don’t have that quality/failing, and I find they need to be rescued from Satan’s gaslighting from time to time.

Anytime somebody tries to put the blame for other people’s beliefs and actions on you, Christian, you are being lied to. They are lying because they don’t want to hear it. I’ve found over the years, that no matter what my message, only those who have ears to hear will hear it. Everybody else will have an argument, an excuse, and finally an accusation, to deflect the message. That goes for the Gospel, the Meat Life, Homeschooling, and everything else I’ve latched onto that I’ve tried to share with others, both on this blog and in real life. They will either hear it, or they won’t. The onus is not on me.

Anyone who denies Christ does so because he doesn’t want Christ to be Lord in his life. It is not because you are not a good enough Christian. There is no deed good enough that they will change their minds about you, and no sin you can commit that can make you blameworthy for their unbelief. Your human failings will not serve as an excuse when atheists have to stand before the throne of God and try to explain to Him why they rejected His perfect Son.

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Their unbelief is on them, Christian. Not on you.

The first quote is from the Great Accuser, who would like to remind you of every sin that Christ has already put under the Blood. He wants you constantly worried about what the World thinks of you. It hampers your prayers with doubt to be constantly trying to measure up in the eyes of a never-satisfied world.

The second quote is from God’s Word.

God has made it plain to them. He is satisfied with you, Christian, because of what His Son did. Live victoriously, not in cowering fear that someone might find out you’re not perfect.

Things Carnivores Say

That I have never experienced.

Carnivores are always making fantastic claims about what the diet has done for them. And you know what? I believe every single one of them! How could I not? I make some fantastic claims for myself! I’ve healed my allergies (except to ragweed, which reigns champion every fall), asthma (even ragweed doesn’t bring that back), and eczema, lost 60 pounds, cured anxiety, depression, OCD, and a host of other problems! You can read the rest of the blog to hear about all of it. But there are some marvelous benefits that almost all carnivores say they have experienced that I, to date, have not.

I’ve been carnivore for seven years come November, so I’ve been eating this way plenty long enough to say for sure whether these effects are something everybody should expect. I say no. Some of this Meat Magic may pass you by, no matter what other benefits you receive. You may experience the following effects, and I hope you do. Practically everybody else seems to, but I have not.

Thing #1: Carnivores don’t fart anymore.

I hate to lead off with potentially embarrassing information about myself. I know it’s not ladylike, but I still toot. It does not smell bad at all. I never have gas, bloating, tummy pain, or anything like that. But air still puffs out from time to time, especially when I eat butter. In fact, it smells faintly of butter. Sorry if that’s tmi, but it’s true. Butter makes me fart.

Woman covering her mouth, saying oops, with a little green cloud behind her, indoors

Thing #2: Carnivores don’t get sore after a hard workout anymore.

While I am very glad for anybody who is able to say this, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), is not something I’ve left behind. I don’t know what this means for my health. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. But when I lift super-heavy, I still feel it the next day! I actually like that feeling, because it means I broke past my comfort barrier and really did something. Most people don’t like to be in pain, so I’m happy for those who can still walk upstairs and sit down without groaning the day after leg day.

But I just haven’t seen this for some reason. Still sore, and still happy to be that way!

Thing #3: Carnivores never miss certain foods.

You’d think desserts would be the hardest thing to pass up, having gone off the sugar, but the biggest struggle for me is to not put collard greens in my face. “Well, why not just have some delicious, good-for-you leafy greens then, you freak? You even cook it with bacon!” Because, my friend, something about fiber-rich foods makes my OCD come back with a vengeance! I like having eyebrows, and collard greens make me pull my hair. I know that sounds nuts, but it’s true, and I’ve cheated with leafy greens enough to know for sure that I can’t have that stuff. I do pick out the greens-flavored bacon and enjoy that, though. I can get away with that.

I’m sure other people struggle with certain foods, as well. I’m not above lingering over the dessert table to smell the delicious food, myself. I’ve just gotten used to the idea that these foods are a pleasant memory. I can miss them, but they are dead to me.

Thing #4: Carnivores don’t get sunburn any more. 

This, sadly, is another myth for me. I kept waiting for the day that I would be able to spend unlimited amounts of time in the sun without getting a burn, and it never came. Now, I always just burnt a little in the early summer, peeled, and then had a nice tan the rest of the summer. I never had a big problem with burning anyway. But I do still get a painful glow if I don’t remember to get out of the sun during the most intense hours of the day.

One thing I have noticed is that I don’t burn as much if I don’t sit still. Running at noon in direct summer sun? No problem. Sitting for the same length of time? Burn, baby, burn! So maybe the rest of those carnivores who are not burning anymore are just suddenly moving a lot more than they used to, dodging those slowpoke sun-rays!

Thing #5: The bugs don’t bite me any more.

I’ve heard so many people say the bugs don’t bite them anymore. As with all of these things, I believe them! They’re mosquito-repellent all of a sudden. What a blessing! Amazing things happen when you change your body chemistry so completely. But I’m sitting here scratching this very minute, and so are my meat-heavy children. I dunno. You can form your own theories about why that might be.

How about you, carnivores, and non-carnivores alike? Do you have any dietary expectations that haven’t quite been fulfilled by the way you’re eating right now? Comments are open, and I’d sure love to get something besides spam in here! Let me know!

Also, while I’ve got you here, I’m asking for donations to fund my next run. Help me get to the Black Bear Half Marathon:


Off The Races Again!

With your kind help.

I want to run the Black Bear Half Marathon in October, but between needing to refill the hole in our savings after a MASSIVE septic system failure last year and having a number of young mouths to feed, I do not have the spending money required to make it happen. If you, Dear Reader, would like to help out, or feel like this blog has benefited or entertained you, and you’d like to support my endeavors in some way, I’ve set up a GoFundMe page to try to get enough money to buy shoes, entry fee, a room to stay in, and a little bit of tech for training.

Please pitch in only if you have a few extra dollars and it would make you happy to do so!

4 Under 45 on My 45th!

Not too bad for an old gal!

A couple of months ago, I told you all I had a running goal to beat by my birthday. I just know you’ve thought of nothing else since then, right? Well, I wanted to hurry up and post my results so you can get back your normal life, so here you go.

I had picked completely arbitrary numbers to try to beat. I was still 44, so I wanted to run 4 miles in 44 minutes or less. Alas, I forgot that I was supposed to do the race before turning 45. I just realized yesterday, after doing a leg workout, that I had misremembered my own goal. Smart, huh? Now just imagine the chaos when I’m trying to follow somebody else’s rules. So I turned my challenge into a birthday run. I needed to do something fun for myself today, anyhow.

As I said in the announcement post, I knew the original goal of 4 10-minute miles in a row was out of reach for me in that short amount of time, so I eased it up to 4 miles in 44 minutes. Did I make my goal? Well…

Sorta. It’s within the 44 minutes. I am as ecstatic with this result as if I had shaved off that last 45 seconds! Just look how cool those numbers are! 4 in 44:44, 313 calories (as if that mattered at all), 145 bpm at 45. I just think this is numerologically neat, ridiculous as numerology is.

My fastest 5k to date, as well, except for one fluke back before I got a new watch and lost the old data. I can’t prove it, but I had a 32-minuteish 5k once. Anyway, today’s 5k:

The first several seconds of my run were comprised of Myself arguing with Myself over whether she actually wanted to be doing this today. I was moving, but not really. You know how it is. No starting gun, no adrenaline rush. Next time I’ll have a kid out there with a gun. Why didn’t I think of that?

I guess you could say I missed the mark, if you wanted to be a Negative Nancy about it. But I don’t. I am a Positive Polly. I did 4 miles under 45 on my 45th! If you’re chasing arbitrary numbers (as I do), that’s pretty neat! And I expect sometime in the next month or two to hit my real goal of consistent, consecutive 10-minute miles. I’m improving!

What went wrong:

Now, in retrospect, some things could have gone better. My slow start due to feeling like crap is the thing I feel worst about. I really should have grabbed that thing by the…you know…the thing, and just RUN. There were also a couple of times I slowed down because I was daydreaming. I had no spectators besides some thoroughly underwhelmed cows, so that slowed me down a little.

May be an image of grass

Thoroughly Unimpressed

I did pass one very nice gal in a Subaru who smiled so big it relit my fire for a good half mile.

I forgot to tank up on electrolytes before I went. Who knows? That might have been a good or a bad thing. Less chance of stomach-sloshies or needing to pee. But I do usually feel like having my drink before I go makes me feel better. I think that “mistake” probably didn’t affect me either way.

Like my first real race, I didn’t sleep well the night before. I don’t know why I’m always scheduling my races while I am pre-menstrual, but both runs were preceded by a miserable sleepless night due to hormones. Carnivore has taken care of every single one of my PMS symptoms except that one night of insomnia a couple of nights before I start. I think that if I’d “fat fast” the couple of days before it, that might solve this problem. Gonna try that next month. If anybody has any other ideas what to do about this, I’d be happy to hear it! Drop a comment!

Last night I was pretty sure, given my mood and this massive cold I seem to be coming down with, that I was going to have to post something pretty embarrassing today. I didn’t even want to do it, I was so draggy and sad and sniffly. But I did it anyway.

What went right:

Once I started moving, I had fun, and felt really good. If running weren’t fun for me, I’d find something else to do with my scant leisure time. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about Zone 2 training, Maffetone method, and the like. A few weeks ago, I decided to change the way I run, backing off to a less impressive speed most of the time, in order to keep my heartrate down. Even though I was pretty sure it would knock me out of achieving this goal, I felt in the long run that it would make me much, much faster, and (more importantly) healthier. But slowing down all those weeks, surprisingly, didn’t stop me! It made me better, even in such a short time. That 145 avg heart rate is very good for me at that pace! I’m over the moon about this!

I have a really good sense of how I will perform. As with my April race, I was gratified to see that my estimate of what I am capable of, and then my ability to get pretty close to that, are fairly accurate. I set ambitious goals, and I really do try to reach those. But I am also very good at not getting so ambitious as to discourage myself. I like how good my instincts are for how far I can go on the training load I am able to fit into my busy life. Especially since I focus more on strength than running, I am stoked to see how much I have improved in a short time, just because I’m turning out to be a good trainer.

I didn’t talk myself out of the win. 

I felt like crap, y’all. All I could think all morning was “Why do I do these things to myself?” Well, I do them because that’s just who I am now: Not a quitter. Not a fearer. Not a loser. Not even that extra 45 seconds made a loser of me. I’m just too happy with how far I’ve come!

Don’t ever talk yourself out of a win, friends. Maybe you can’t measure up to the gal next door, and you sure won’t ever beat the one on social media who’s been running for years (Michelle Hurn, I’m looking at you!), but you can do your best for that day. It might hurt. It might come at some cost. But you can do something to make today a win. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make your day feel like a good one, whether it’s your birthday or not. Take the bull by the horns. I did, and now I don’t have to go my whole birthday feeling like a loser.

I did GOOD, y’all! I gave myself a wonderful birthday present. I pushed myself and got some very cool numbers at the end, no manipulation.



Help! I’ve Failed the Carnivore Diet!

You ate pie? This cannot be tolerated! Mail in your Carnivore Club decoder ring immediately!

A person new to the carnivore way of eating was lamenting having fallen off the wagon after a number of days “strict carnivore”. My reply was this (edited a little):

Don’t count the days. You’re counting failures. Nobody can live like that. Instead, think of this as a path you’re on. You stepped in a little doo-doo today, or twisted your foot a little in a hole. But you’re still on the path. Stay. On. The. Path. I actually had a little bit of a slip on my path yesterday. I’ve been carnivore for 5+ years. I do not subtract the days that I ate something off-plan. I am still in the carnivore club, even if I ate something that is not meat, because Carnivore is the way I need to eat.

Friends, I stepped in a little doggie doo myself just yesterday! My kids and some friends were having strawberry and banana popsicles (homemade, just strawberries, bananas, and beef gelatin), and I was hot and thought that sounded like a neat idea, and I ate one! Right there in front of God and everybody!

While I wasn’t immediately sorry, and it tasted fine and cold, fruit of any kind will exacerbate some allergy symptoms for me, so this morning I was painfully reminded why I don’t usually indulge in such treats. When you get used to not having allergies, and suddenly you do again, you take notice!

Oh, dearie me. Now what will do? I can’t say I’m eating a carnivore diet now! My indulgence was a small one. Not even cake! I did not berate myself for it, and I wouldn’t even if it had been cake. I just got up this morning and ate my usual two hamburger patties and went on with my carnivore life. I scraped the dookie off my shoes and kept walking the path. That’s what you need to do now. Even if you’ve been absolutely wading in poo for days, or even weeks, every meal is a chance to do better for yourself.

You will never be able to build a new habit, or maintain an old one, if you are unable to face an imperfect day without beating yourself up. We all have stresses. We all have lapses. Heck, sometimes we just need to have a little fun! When we start going off the path more frequently, some thought might need to be applied as to why you keep doing that. But, thank God, changes can be made! You’re changing your neurology. Every cell in your body is being realigned to interact with food in a completely different way. That doesn’t just flip on and off like a switch. It’s going to take a lot of time.

If I eat a thing that’s not meat, I do not worry about it. I don’t consider myself to be less of a carnivore just because I occasionally like the little seaweed nori snacks. I include those in my carnivore diet sometimes because they do not appear to have any ill effect on me. Pickles, too. I could do it every day if I wanted to, and still consider this a carnivore diet. I don’t. It’s probably more like once a month. But who cares? Different people have different needs, and I do not need to avoid nori snacks. You might.

I do need to avoid strawberries and bananas. That fact is reinforced in my mind today every time I have to stop myself from rubbing my now-itchy eyes. I’m not going to forget this soon! You’re not going to forget your regret from the last mishap very soon, either. Just get up and go on with your healthy way of eating now. The trend is still in a positive direction! There is no reason to be angry with yourself. If anything, be resentful of the food. Learn to hate it for what it does to you.

Tell me, if you were on the standard American diet and you just happened to accidentally eat something that was good for you one day, would you feel like you were suddenly a health food fanatic? No, you would not. You would just think, “That was an unusual meal for me.” Do the same for your carnivore diet, friend. You had an unusual meal. You had a little misadventure, but you know that side-path you got onto won’t get you where you want to go. Just step back onto the right path!

And next time, look a little further ahead so you’ll be ready to dodge the doo-doo instead of stepping fully in it.

If you need help thinking about how to live a healthier life, I’d love to spend some time coaching you. It’s not just carnivore that I’m about. I can help you tweak your entire lifestyle to get to a better place. Just email me (cindy at get along home dot com) and we’ll get you scheduled. I’m not terribly busy this summer!